Large volumes of dynamic data are typical challenge of trading applications. Few millions of business entities updated in real time plus ticking market data – this is typical requirement for application GUI in this domain.
CQRS – Command Query Responsibility Segregation – is pattern which strictly separates data and control pipelines. This separation helps to develop a set of highly specialized, yet reusable, building blocks capable to handle large data volume challenge.
This presentation will outline architecture and components what we are using for building trading blotters and similar GUI applications in Deutsche Bank.
Alexey Ragozin

Deutsche Bank
Alexey specializes in Java-based high-load systems. In his 10+ years in the IT industry he gained development experience in finance, telecom, e-commerce, and healthcare information systems.
Since 2009 till 2011 Alexey led implementation of In-memory Data Grid in GridDynamics. In October 2011 he left GridDynamics for Deutsche Bank, joinig DB team as a lead specialist in distributed caching technologies.