2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005

Become a sponsor

CEE-SECR sponsors will have an invaluable opportunity to maximize the promotion of its expertise, and present case studies and testimonials. Most importantly, sponsors will enjoy a unique chance to network with a wide variety of professionals in the fields of scientific and functional software engineering.

Past partners have included Microsoft, IBM, Intel, Exigen Services, EMC2, the Russian Venture Company, T-Systems, Epam Systems, Exigen Services, EMC2, Parallels, INTSPEI, Siemens, Parasoft, Polarion, Luxoft, Embarcadero, VMware, Oracle, iCarnegie, First Line Software, Jet Brains, Microfocus, Borland, Deutsche Bank, SUN Microsystems and others.

Sponsor Packages

Benefits Gold sponsor Silver sponsor Sponsor
Price, RUB (VAT is not applicable) 480 000 270 000 150 000
Price, USD (approximate equivalent) 12 000 6 750 3 750
Complimentary sponsor’s speech during the opening ceremony 2 minutes 1 minute
* Company presentation on one of the conference topics (30–40 minutes) 1
* Case study presentation of the sponsor’s company partner / reseller 1 1
Stand placement in the foyer area
Standing banner placement in the foyer area
Standing banner placement in the main conference halls
Standing banner placement in the workshops area
Logo placement on the conference stands and rollups
Logo placement on participant badges
Promotional materials included in conference bags
An interview with an executive from sponsor’s company published at the conference website (Press-center section)
Company ad on the conference website All pages Sponsor page Sponsor page
Complimentary conference registrations 4 3 1

* Pending approval of the presentation topic by the Program Committee

Extra options

(can be chosen as a separate sponsorship category)**

Name Description Price (RUB)
Pens sponsor Your company logo will be placed on the event pens (to be distributed to each attendee) sold
Notepads sponsor Your company logo will be placed on the event notepads (to be distributed to each attendee) 70 000
Lanyards sponsor Your company logo will be placed on the event lanyards 100 000
USB sponsor Your company logo will be printed on the USB flash drives with the conference materials (to be distributed to each attendee) 125 000
Beer party sponsor Poster with the company name/logo placed at the beer-party area. Company representative welcome speech. Recognition in the conference agenda. 150 000
T-shirts sponsor Your company logo will be placed on the event T-shirts (to be distributed to each attendee) Price is negotiable
Bags sponsor Your company logo will be placed on the event bags (to be distributed to each attendee). Sponsor can provide his company’s promo-bags Price is negotiable

** Please contact Organizing committee for a combination of Sponsorship packages

Contact us

kulakov_150x150Boris Kulakov, Conference manager

+7 (499) 703 16 55; +7 (812) 336 93 44

Email: contact@secrus.org

Gold спонсоры

Дойче БанкIntelJetBrainsSAPСбербанк-Технологии

Silver спонсоры

First Line SoftwareEMCQt by Digia

Спонсор хакатона

Digital Design



Инновационный спонсор


Генеральные партнёры


При содействии

ACMACM Special Interest Group on Software Engineering

Партнёры хакатона

API MoscowЦентр Инновационного Развития МосквыGitHub


ParallelsМосковское отделение PMIПрограммная инженерияLuxoft Training

Технические партнёры

Хостинг ЦентрРайзебюро ВЕЛЬТDigital October

Мобильный партнёр


При поддержке


Образовательный партнер

IT Mine


Software Russiai-Help
Мобильное приложение CEE-SECR 2014

Конференция закончилась

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