2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005

Keynote & invited speakers

Nikolay Kuteev

Nickolay Kuteev|Николай Кутеев

General Director of the Russian Technological Agency
Adviser to the Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation

Born on July 17, 1982 in Togliatti

In 2003 graduated from the Management Department at the Togliatti Academy of Management, in 2004 graduated from the Economics Department at the Togliatti Academy of Management.

Since 2014 — general director of the Russian Technological Agency
Since 2012 — advisor to the Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation
2008–2012 — deputy director / director, Department of System Analysis and Strategic Planning. Director, Department of Strategic Development, Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation (Moscow)
2006–2008 — Head, Department of training programs, Moscow School of Management Skolkovo (Moscow)
2005–2006 — Leading specialist of general academic programs (co-ordinator, Council of the The Ministry of education and science of Russia for MBA). Director, Center of Expertise of Educational Programs, Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation (Moscow)

Gold спонсоры

Дойче БанкIntelJetBrainsSAPСбербанк-Технологии

Silver спонсоры

First Line SoftwareEMCQt by Digia

Спонсор хакатона

Digital Design



Инновационный спонсор


Генеральные партнёры


При содействии

ACMACM Special Interest Group on Software Engineering

Партнёры хакатона

API MoscowЦентр Инновационного Развития МосквыGitHub


ParallelsМосковское отделение PMIПрограммная инженерияLuxoft Training

Технические партнёры

Хостинг ЦентрРайзебюро ВЕЛЬТDigital October

Мобильный партнёр


При поддержке


Образовательный партнер

IT Mine


Software Russiai-Help
Мобильное приложение CEE-SECR 2014

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