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Igor Gustomyasov

Igor Gustomyasov|Игорь Густомясов

Sberbank Technology

Igor Gustomyasov is an IT Professional with an proactive attitude to life and more than 10 years of experience in IT area. He graduated from the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, finished studying at Manchester Business School.

As part of many different teams he was responsible for the implementation of large IT projects / project portfolios in the oil and gas industry, telecom, government services, transportation and financial sectors.

Since 2012 he has been working in a team of JSC “Sberbank Technology”. Igor has been engaged in providing integrated development of integration architecture for Sberbank.

Igor is a Speaker at the “Impact 14” International Conference. He is certified by Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for Java Platform Enterprise Edition Technology, IBM Certified System SOA Solution Designer.

Implementation of highly reliable integration solutions on the base of service oriented architecture in the financial sector

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The term SOA has become really popular and recognizable in corporate IT-industry in the last decade. However the concept of service oriented architecture is still ambiguous, everyone understands it differently — SOA implementation is accompanied by constant debate “what is SOA, and What is not SOA.”

In my report I will try to highlight our approach to the realization of highly reliable integration solutions on the base of service-oriented architecture in the real-life environment of one of the largest financial institutions.

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Дойче БанкIntelJetBrainsSAPСбербанк-Технологии

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