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Keynote & invited speakers

Dmitry Lazarenko

Dmitry Lazarenko|Дмитрий Лазаренко

Managing Director, Jelastic Russia

With over 9 years in the IT industry, Dmitry is an expert in large-scale distributed Java applications and enterprise platforms, including application clusters, integration solutions and security systems. Before Jelastic, he was a developer at Micom SI (2004-2006), architect at ITUnion Ltd, an architect and head of development at OTR Ltd (2008-2012).

Jelastic TurnKey Private Cloud (PaaS+IaaS) for System Integrator and Software Outsourcing companies

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Jelastic provides the only all-inclusive private cloud solution that integrates PaaS and IaaS, and is specifically built for enterprises.

In this section we will cover how to:

  • Use its turnkey environment to develop innovative and deploy legacy applications
  • Drive down TCO of your private cloud deployment and increase agility, providing developers with an enterprise-class private PaaS with Java, PHP, Ruby, Node.JS, Python and .NET support
  • Enable rapid development and production deployment of SaaS services

Gold спонсоры

Дойче БанкIntelJetBrainsSAPСбербанк-Технологии

Silver спонсоры

First Line SoftwareEMCQt by Digia

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Digital Design



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