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Keynote & invited speakers

Dmitry Chikhachev

Dmitry Chikhachev|Дмитрий Чихачев

Managing partner and co-founder, Runa Capital

Dmitry Chikhachev is co-founder and managing partner at Runa Capital, $135M venture fund. His interests span internet, mobile, virtualization and could computing. He led deal execution for NGINX, Jelastic, LinguaLeo, Ecwid, Cellrox, Capptain and other Runa companies. Dmitry is a ‘hands on’ active investor and helps portfolio companies with fundraising, strategy, recruitment and technology.

Dmitry has over 18 years track record as business executive with broad cross-functional experience. Most recently Dmitry was COO/acting CEO of Uvenco Holding, responsible for the stat-up and successful roll-out of the company, which under his leadership has become the leading operator in the field of automated trade in Russian market. Previously Dmitry served as Business Development Director at Ritzio Group, one of the top gaming operators in Eastern Europe, where he headed international business development and managed investment projects – including M&A and greenfield – in Latvia, Romania, Germany, South/Latin America, growing Ritzio international business from zero to $75M.

Dmitry holds MS degree in Applied Mathematics and Physics from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. He also has completed an MBA curriculum, graduation with highest honors from the American Institute of Business and Economics.

Gold спонсоры

Дойче БанкIntelJetBrainsSAPСбербанк-Технологии

Silver спонсоры

First Line SoftwareEMCQt by Digia

Спонсор хакатона

Digital Design



Инновационный спонсор


Генеральные партнёры


При содействии

ACMACM Special Interest Group on Software Engineering

Партнёры хакатона

API MoscowЦентр Инновационного Развития МосквыGitHub


ParallelsМосковское отделение PMIПрограммная инженерияLuxoft Training

Технические партнёры

Хостинг ЦентрРайзебюро ВЕЛЬТDigital October

Мобильный партнёр


При поддержке


Образовательный партнер

IT Mine


Software Russiai-Help
Мобильное приложение CEE-SECR 2014

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