2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005

Keynote & invited speakers

Dino Esposito

Dino Esposito

Technical evangelist

Dino is the author of many popular books for Microsoft Press that helped the professional growth of thousands of .NET developers and architects. CTO of a fast-growing company providing software and mobile services to professional sports, at the moment Dino…

David Garlan|Дэвид Гарлан

David Garlan

Carnegie Mellon University

David Garlan is a Professor of Computer Science in the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University, where he has been on the faculty since 1990. He received his Ph.D. from Carnegie Mellon in 1987 and worked as a software architect in industry between 1987 and 1990. His interests…

Mickey W. Mantle

Mickey W. Mantle

Wanderful, Inc.

Author of Managing the Unmanageable: Rules, Tools and Insights for Managing Software People and Teams. Mickey’s 40 year career includes numerous award-winning landmark consumer software products in music, games, computer animation, graphics and education, as well as management of large…

Richard Soley

Richard Soley

Chairman and CEO

As Chairman and CEO of OMG, Dr. Soley is responsible for the vision and direction of the world’s largest consortium of its type. Dr. Soley joined the nascent OMG as Technical Director in 1989, leading the development of OMG’s…

Alexander Tormasov

Alexander Tormasov

Professor, MIPT
Chief Scientist, Parallels

Prof. Alexander Tormasov – scientist, educator and software artisan with more than 30 years of experience in the field of high technology. He has worked in Russia and in many other countries – USA, UK, Singapore, Sweden, India– and frequently attends high-profile scientific and…

Andrey Ivanov|Андрей Иванов

Andrey Ivanov

COO, JetBrains
Deputy Director, Department of Mathematics and Information Technologies, SPbAU RAS

Since 2010 Andrey Ivanov is the member of executive team in JetBrains company, the world leader in professional software development tools. During this time, the main development center of JetBrains in St. Petersburg has doubled, and…

Valentin Makarov|Валентин Макаров

Valentin Makarov


Valentin Makarov was born in April 16, 1955 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg), Russia.

He graduated from Leningrad Aircraft Instrumentation Institute (now State University of Space Instruments, St.-Petersburg) in 1978 and had been working in Defense industry until 1985. In 1993 he attended courses of…

George Sharkov|Георги Шарков

George Sharkov

European Software Institute, Center Eastern Europe

Dr. George Sharkov graduated Mathematics and Computer Science at Sofia University, has PhD in Artificial Intelligence, research in applied informatics, biophysics, thermography and genetics (Gent, Belgium), enterprise information systems architectures. After 1994 leading…

[lang_en]Robert Farish[/lang_en][lang_ru]Роберт Фариш[/lang_ru]

Robert Farish

Vice President and Regional Managing Director, CIS,

Since 1992, Robert Farish has tracked the IT markets of the former Soviet Union. Having spent most of his professional life in Moscow, he now heads IDC’s regional team covering the CIS countries. Joining IDC CEMA in 1995, Farish has personally authored studies on most of the…

Vyacheslav Nesterov|Вячеслав Нестеров

Vyacheslav Nesterov

General Manager
St.Petersburg Development Center, EMC

The Center works on Software development for the products designed and produces by EMC corporation. The main area of development is high performance systems for information storage and management. Vyacheslav joined St.Petersburg EMC center in 2008, before that he worked for…

Nikolai Puntikov|Николай Пунтиков

Nikolai Puntikov

President, First Line Software
Editor-in-Chief, Software-Russia.com

Dr. Puntikov is the President of First Line Software, a global company offering broad range of software development and technology enablement services and solutions. Nikolai is a serial entrepreneur and business executive with a proven track record in building…

Dmitry Chikhachev|Дмитрий Чихачев

Dmitry Chikhachev

Managing partner and co-founder, Runa Capital

Dmitry Chikhachev is co-founder and managing partner at Runa Capital, $135M venture fund. His interests span internet, mobile, virtualization and could computing. He led deal execution for NGINX, Jelastic, LinguaLeo, Ecwid, Cellrox, Capptain and other Runa companies. Dmitry is a ‘hands on’…

Sergey Makedonsky|Сергей Македонский

Sergey Makedonsky

Director General

Slava Muchnick|Слава Мучник

Slava Muchnick

Principal Consultant, Application Security
EE Ltd, UK

Slava has had a varied career that included developing a data-parallel programming language and a compiler for it in Siberia in the 1980s, teaching real-time systems, databases and functional programming at the University of Surrey in the 1990s, and working in technical and…

Andrei Grigoriev|Андрей Григорьев

Andrei Grigoriev

Sr. Director
SAP Ireland

Andrei is Sr. Director at SAP Ireland. He leads the EMEA customer co-innovation organization with core competencies in big data, cloud and analytics. He has a diverse international career in development, product management and organizational leadership.
With SAP Andrei created its first…

Nickolay Kuteev|Николай Кутеев

Nikolay Kuteev

General Director of the Russian Technological Agency
Adviser to the Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation

Born on July 17, 1982 in Togliatti

In 2003 graduated from the Management Department at the Togliatti Academy of Management, in 2004 graduated from the Economics Department at the Togliatti Academy…

Alexander Egorov|Александр Егоров

Alexander Egorov

CEO, Reksoft

Alexander Egorov was born 1969 in Leningrad, USSR and co-founded Reksoft in 1991 while studying in St.Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation. Alexander holds Master Degree in CAD/CAM from St-Petersburg University of Aerospace Instrumentation (1993) and MBA from the Stockholm School of Economics (2004).…

Paul Epping|Пол Эппинг

Paul Epping

Philips HTS Russia

Program manager improving health care reform Russian hospitals.

Paul Epping, MSc is Healthcare Business Strategist at Philips, Healthcare Transformation Services; CEO at Epping Consultancy BV; Member at Zorg Innovatie Forum; and Founder of STIPOIZ.

Paul studied nursing, social pedagogy,…

Nikolay Vyahhi|Николай Вяххи

Nikolay Vyahhi

Founder, Stepic
Director, Bioinformatics Institute

Nikolay graduated Saint-Petersburg State University, specializing in system programming. He is actively involved in educational projects: Nikolay is (co-)founder of GameChangers, Bioinformatics Institute, Rosalind, and Stepic — non-commercial project to create online constructor…

Dmitri Dubograev|Дмитрий Дубограев

Dmitri Dubograev

Founder and managing partner

Dmitri I. Dubograev is a founder and managing partner of the law firm FEMIDA.US (a/k/a International Legal Counsels PC) in Alexandria, VA with affiliate offices in Washington, D.C., Paris and Moscow. He focuses on representation of clients…

Natasha Mantle

Natasha Mantle

Managing Partner
Alexander & Krol LLC

Natasha Mantle is the Managing Partner at Alexander & Krol LLC, a boutique Executive Search firm, specializing in High Tech and IT Markets.

Prior to starting her own firm, Ms. Mantle held executive positions at companies like Korn Ferry International, Gartner Group, John…

Alexander Potapov|Александр Потапов

Alexander Potapov

Deputy CEO, Managing Director at RVC

Alexander Potapov joined RVC in January 2012 as Deputy CEO, Managing Director and oversees now RVC programs aimed at generating demand for innovations and innovative ventures and developing service infrastructure, as well as at increasing proficiency of the ecosystem participants and fostering…

Evgeny Kuznetsov|Евгений Кузнецов

Evgeny Kuznetsov

Deputy CEO, Director of Project Management Office, RVC

Evgeny Kuznetsov – member of the Board of RVC, Deputy CEO, Director of Project Management Office. Specialist in communications and public campaigns.

Graduated from St. Petersburg State University.

Professional experience
2001-2002 –…

Mikhail Gromov|Михаил Громов

Mikhail Gromov

Quality Director, Board Member, Sberbank Technologies

I began my career in 1998 as a software developer, then I decided to develop a software engineering. First place in this area — the company CBOSS, where I rose from the process engineer to the team leader software development technologies. Next continued to engage with the…

Oleg Plaksin|Олег Плаксин

Oleg Plaksin

International Projects Director, RVC

Oleg graduated from Leningrad State University, Oriental Department. He worked in banking sector, IT companies and Government. Oleg commands wide experience in international activity. He took part in large scale projects of Russian and International companies in the USA, UK, in the Middle East and…

Dmitriy Zavalishin|Дмитрий Завалишин

Dmitriy Zavalishin

CEO & co-shareholder, DZ-Systems

Dmitriy has worked at IT-industry since 1985 and still proceeds as a software development professional. In the past he was the Head of the Yandex portal engineering department as well as the creator of several popular services including the Yandex.Market which is one of the most top-rated…

Dmitry Repin|Дмитрий Репин

Dmitry Repin

CEO, Digital October

Dmitry Repin is a CEO of Digital October, a center for new technology and technology entrepreneurship in Moscow, Russia.

Dmitry has a BS in physics from Moscow Engineering Physics Institute and a PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience from Boston University. He also worked as a Senior Researcher at MIT Sloan…

Alexander Gavrilov|Александр Гаврилов

Alexander Gavrilov

PhD in Computer Science;
DPE Academic Lead, Microsoft Russia;
Associated Professor, National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”

Alexander has more than 20 years experience in software development industry. Now he is DPE Academic Lead in Microsoft Russia. He focuses on the broad IT-Education and young technology…

Sergey Zhernovoy|Сергей Жерновой

Sergey Zhernovoy

Architect, IBM

Sergey graduated MIREA (Moscow State Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation) in 1990. Since 2000 he was working in different sales and proffessional serivce departments of IBM, including major projects. Currently Sergey works in IBM Ecosystem Development, responsible for support of partner developers…

Igor Gustomyasov|Игорь Густомясов

Igor Gustomyasov

Sberbank Technology

Igor Gustomyasov is an IT Professional with an proactive attitude to life and more than 10 years of experience in IT area. He graduated from the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, finished studying at Manchester Business School.

As part of many different teams he was responsible for the implementation of…

Lawrence Wright|Лоренс Райт

Lawrence Wright

Co-Founder and CEO, GVA LaunchGurus

Lawrence is a serial entrepreneur, occasional business angel investor, mentor, and deep student of Russia. With 5 startups under his belt, Lawrence is passionate about innovating new ways to help startups and investors achieve success.

Lawrence’s rich background has centered on leadership in…

Dmitry Lazarenko|Дмитрий Лазаренко

Dmitry Lazarenko

Managing Director, Jelastic Russia

With over 9 years in the IT industry, Dmitry is an expert in large-scale distributed Java applications and enterprise platforms, including application clusters, integration solutions and security systems. Before Jelastic, he was a developer at Micom SI (2004-2006), architect at ITUnion Ltd, an…

Alexander Belousov|Александр Белоусов

Alexander Belousov

Hardware Platforms Simulator Developer, Intel

Roman Khatko|Роман Хатько

Roman Khatko

Analysis and Mobile Apps Optimization Engineer, Intel

Igor Tkachev|Игорь Ткачев

Igor Tkachev

Senior developer
Deutsche Bank

Finished Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. After that I worked for Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Laboratory of Information Technologies. Main area of responsibility was monitoring of grid clusters. I participated in different projects in CERN. In Deutsche Bank I develop products…

Sergey Gelmetdinov|Сергей Гельметдинов

Sergey Gelmetdinov

Return On Intelligence

Sergey Gelmetdinov is a Business Development manager for CIS region. Sergey has worked for Return On Intelligence (former Exigen Services) since November 2012, starting as a Regional Director and Delivery manager in Kazan branch of the company. Sergey devoted his career to the IT industry and has got more than…

Eugene Shevkoplyas|Евгений Шевкопляс

Eugene Shevkoplyas

Deutsche Bank

Eugene graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics of the St. Petersburg State University. After graduation he worked in the field of telecommunications.
In 2005 he started to work with electronic stock exchanges (OrcSoftware, Tbricks).
Since December 2013 has been with Deutsche Bank, the project Rapid.

Kirill Skrygan|Кирилл Скрыган

Kirill Skrygan

Senior Software Developer in ReSharper team

Besides huge enterprise .NET application took part in development some open sourced projects, such as: Workflow Server ORM, NDjango, Bistro MVC, Knowledge.NET. Starting from 2010 works in JetBrains. Addicted Ultimate Frisbee player.

Vitaly Kozlovsky|Виталий Козловский

Vitaly Kozlovsky

Product Development Consultant, EMC Corporation, Russia CoE

Vitaly Kozlovsky is EMC’s CTO office representative, responsible for business development and promoting of bleeding edge technologies and trends of the company. Vitaly’s area of operations includes managing partner and client connections, as well as the development of…

Gold спонсоры

Дойче БанкIntelJetBrainsSAPСбербанк-Технологии

Silver спонсоры

First Line SoftwareEMCQt by Digia

Спонсор хакатона

Digital Design



Инновационный спонсор


Генеральные партнёры


При содействии

ACMACM Special Interest Group on Software Engineering

Партнёры хакатона

API MoscowЦентр Инновационного Развития МосквыGitHub


ParallelsМосковское отделение PMIПрограммная инженерияLuxoft Training

Технические партнёры

Хостинг ЦентрРайзебюро ВЕЛЬТDigital October

Мобильный партнёр


При поддержке


Образовательный партнер

IT Mine


Software Russiai-Help
Мобильное приложение CEE-SECR 2014

Конференция закончилась

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