My presentation will cover the review and analysis of the static analyzers’ efficiency (cppcheck, clang-analyzer, Klocwork Insight, Parasoft® C/C++test®, LDRA Testbed) when utilized in large projects (at around 400,000 lines of code). To receive more accurate results, two revisions have been analyzed, one of which has been written by junior development team, whereas the second one was rewritten and updated by senior developers. The build was commited with all possible warnings turned-on during compilation process. The obtained results were compared within one revision based on the quantity, structure, and message interception. Additionally we conducted the analysis of the analyzer’s messages duplication with the warning messages issued by the compiler, and the changes of the messages’ structure and quantity in different revisions have been compared.
Alexander Kazansky

Software Engineer, OOO AURIGA
Alexander graduated MIREA (Moscow State Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation) specializing in Biotech and Medical Systems. He is developing software for over 5 years, and before that he was involved in coding for biotech systems, working as engineer in Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics (IRE) of Russian Academy of Sciences.
Right now his main focus is iOs applications development, using Objective-C, but from time to time he is involved in C++ programming, especially when projects in question are somehow connected to medicine and healthcare.