2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005

Conference Profile

In 2013 the conference hosted 790 participants.

Participants profile


SECR Participants profile 2013


SECR Participants profile 2013

Evaluation form results

Please evaluate the conference organization

See also:

Key Speakers 2005-2013


About conference

Organized since 2005, CEE-SECR is the key annual software event in Central and Eastern Europe that is regularly attended by over 700 participants from local industry. Our total reach is over 1 million software and IT people from CEE region (online + media coverage).

The conference was initially positioned as a Russian event; however, it attracted speakers from 20 countries and regular attendees from even more places, so in 2009 the conference was repositioned as a CEE event.

The conference produce a high quality program with acceptance rate about 35%. The list of keynote speakers from previous conferences includes Bjarne Stroustrup, Ivar Jacobson, Jeff Sutherland, Bertrand Meyer, Dave Thomas, Jim Stikeleather, Thomas Erl, Richard Mark Soley, Ilya Segalovich, Grady Booch, Erich Gamma, Michael Cusumano, Larry Constantine, Lars Bak, Michael Fagan, Bill Hefley, Rick Kazman, Yuri Gurevich, Steve Masters, Mark Paulk and other software thought leaders as well as VP-s and Technical Fellows of major high-tech corporations.

The conference was supported by such companies as Adobe, EMC, HP, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, ORACLE, Siemens, Sun Microsystems, T-Systems, VMWare and others. It is also endorsed by the most of key local software/IT associations.

Gold спонсоры

Дойче БанкIntelJetBrainsSAPСбербанк-Технологии

Silver спонсоры

First Line SoftwareEMCQt by Digia

Спонсор хакатона

Digital Design



Инновационный спонсор


Генеральные партнёры


При содействии

ACMACM Special Interest Group on Software Engineering

Партнёры хакатона

API MoscowЦентр Инновационного Развития МосквыGitHub


ParallelsМосковское отделение PMIПрограммная инженерияLuxoft Training

Технические партнёры

Хостинг ЦентрРайзебюро ВЕЛЬТDigital October

Мобильный партнёр


При поддержке


Образовательный партнер

IT Mine


Software Russiai-Help
Мобильное приложение CEE-SECR 2014

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