Although a lot of companies acknowledge the importance of architecture they still don’t approach to architectural design systematically and rely on expertise of individual developers. The reason is that there is no clear understanding of essence and functions of architecture as an element of overall software development process. The subject and process of architectural design is of prime importance here as it differs greatly from the subject and process of detailed design and coding. Then the question of responsibility assignment – is an assigned individual architect or a team of developers responsible for the architecture, – pale into insignificance.
In my speech I will try to define the architecture term as clear as possible and show how the distortion of this term entails destructive patterns of process and development organization management. If the architecture term is clear-cut the appropriateness or inappropriateness of one or another approach in a certain case will become evident.
Igor Bespal’chuk

Igor graduated Moscow State Technical University. His experience includes working as a lead developer in Grape Communications and ULTRA Computers. In 2006 Igor joined CUSTIS as a lead developer of technological development department. Since 2008 till 2010 he led reengineering project of one of the core modules of Sportmaster CIS. After that Igor was appointed to head his department, and in 2013 he was promoted to Project Lead in Technical Development Directorate, responsible for improving competencies and processes quality in software architecture planning.
Right now Igor also plans corporate mechanisms for managing software development process, and decides strategic directions for further technological development of CUSTIS.
Igor is Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS) and Certified Scrum Product Owner.