All that computing power of modern microcontrollers has made possible the use of modern programming languages, different paradigms, and libraries even for embedded systems development. This also provides new capabilities for modern trends of software development in the area of robotics. These can entirely change the whole robotics programming, including education scope. Nowadays robotics is widely accepted in schools and universities for STEM education, but use of modern programming paradigms and frameworks expands application of educational robotics to variety software engineering courses.
An experience of design and deployment of the reactive programming library for robotics is presented. Application of .NET, F#, C#, and Rx (Reactive Extensions) library in robotics development is described
Alexander Kirsanov

Software Engineer Intern, JetBrains Lab SPbSU
Student of the Software Engineering Departament of Saint Petersburg State University. Interests: functional programming, machine learning, data mining, math, and robotics.
Iakov Kirilenko
Senior Lecturer, SPbSU
Scientific Secretary of the Software Engineering (Systems programming) Department of St. Petersburg State University and is directly responsible for the annual Summer Computing School, organization of students’ projects and coursework, and cooperation with companies. A specialist in the field of software development with a 10-year experience in leading scientific-intensive projects in a variety of subject areas, including system software. with strong interests in robotics and in love with F#.