This talk is about how to make a team strongerproject retrospectives. How, when and why do retrospectives should be conducted and to whom these activities might save time money, and for whom retrospectives are premature measure?
Maxim Dorofeev

Facilitation Institute
Maxim earned his first money by programming at the age of 13 and working in software engineering so far. He got his first full-time job in airborne software development. Work in the safety critical area with heavy development processes inspired him to deep dive into Agile methodologies in order to create a process that can produce safety-critical software at “affordable price”.
Maxim manages software development projects since 2005 and is well known in Russia as evangelist of Agile, Lean and Theory of Constraints.
Since 2013 Maxim is a partner to Faclitation Institute and a consultant at
Dmitry Lazarev
Facilitation Institute
Business coach sine 1999. Author of several books on preparing and delivering presentations. Publisher of trainers- and consultants-aimed literature.
In 2012 Dmitry founded Facilitation Institute to improve quality of group work. Amongst Institute’s clients are such local and foreign companies as Barclays, Indesit, Salym Petroleum, Philips, Tele2, Volkswagen, Raiffeisenbank, Bayer, IBS, Arguments & Facts, Komsomolskaya Pravda, Mosenergosbyt, Rostelekom, STS-Media, Transtelekom.