Adoption and porting to HPC systems is required for the existing software to use these systems effectively. This task is not trivial as far as the transition to the different Operating System required in some cases, and it is also necessary to care and keep correct numerical results at the same time. One way of application porting and parallelization is discussed showing how it was implemented with the Boundary Elements modeling of poroelastic dynamic application and distributed memory systems.
Igor Vorobtsov

Research Institute of Mechanics of Lobachevsky Nizhny Novgorod State University
Igor got his Master’s degree in Applied Mathematics at Lobachevsky Nizhny Novgorod State University.
Currently he works as a junior researcher at Research Institute of Mechanics of LNNSU, while also cooperating with Intel as technical engineer-consultant, supporting compilator and solutions for software developers for over 5 years. Igor is also involved in developers education and has extensive experience in applications optimization.