In this talk I’ll tell how we do crowdsourcing platform for Sberbank – the largest intra-corporate crowdsourcing project in Europe (22,000 participants; 18,000 ideas and suggestions; 26,000 comments and 240000 ‘likes’. Simultaneously we always run 10-15 Crowd projects.) I’ll tell what benefits the bank acquired from crowdsourcing, how it is used, and what we realized over three years working on this project. The report will be useful to all those who think of developing corporate social network or knowledge base, idea management system. Or who asks himself – why are all these wonderful tools do not work properly?
Yury Kupriyanov
Head of practice of enterprise crowdsourcing and KM, WikiVote!
I’m doing development, design and project management in software engineering for over 15 years. Since 2007 I teach at Moscow institutes — MIEM, NRU HSE, MIPT — and do trainings. I was a speaker at SECR, EduCamp, L&D Camp, and I participate in “Education 2030” foresight.