COO, JetBrains
Deputy Director, Department of Mathematics and Information Technologies, SPbAU RAS
Since 2010 Andrey Ivanov is the member of executive team in JetBrains company, the world leader in professional software development tools. During this time, the main development center of JetBrains in St. Petersburg has doubled, and the company shows a steady growth of turnover by 40% per year.
Prior to that Andrey was the leader of the St. Petersburg Development Centers, such as Borland and Yandex, and ran his own company SwiftTeams. His overall path in IT-sector is 17 years long, starting from a programmer to the senior manager in international business in a high-professional team.
Andrey is one of the founders of the Academy of Modern Software Engineering, where during two years of the free study students can can get additional relevant knowledge demanded by the programming market.
Currently, the Academy is part of the Computer Science Center (http://compscicenter.ru), where Andrey is leading the Software Engineering stream.
Andrey is also the deputy director of the Department of Mathematics and Information Technologies in St. Petersburg Academic University of the Russian Academy of Sciences (http://mit.spbau.ru).
Andrey realizes the importance of preparing the young professionals for the rapidly growing IT market, and actively developers relations with relevant higher education institutions in St. Petersburg and the regions. In the nearest future JetBrains will open a new lab in one of the leading Russian educational institutions.
Andrey graduated from the Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University (LETI) in 1994.