CNews is the largest daily online source launched in 2000. CNews focuses on the latest IT news, analytical articles, market reviews, internet surveys. The printed version has been published since 2004. Up to 100 pieces of news are posted on the site daily, providing authoritative insight and opinion on the Russian and Foreign markets of computer equipment, software, automation and informatization, e-commerce and telecommunications, entertainment industry. The average monthly attendance is over 1,5 mln.
The magazine Internet v Tsyfrakh is the first periodical covering numbers, facts and analysis of the Internet industry. The magazine includes analytical materials as well as a number of opinion articles by well-known Internet journalists.
Softline Company founded in 1993 is the leading supplier of a wide spectrum of software on the market of Russia and the CIS countries. Today Softline is an authorized partner of more than 300 well-known domestic and world-wide developers (Microsoft, Symantec&VERITAS, Citrix, IBM, McAfee, Novell, Oracle, VMWare, Corel, Adobe etc.).
RUNET-ID — largest Russian Internet resource devoted to Russian Internet companies. In the new version the portal combines the calendar of important events of Runet, the branch mass-media, video, as well as the database of vacancies in Internet companies. Today, the site recorded about 100 thousand professionals of IT and media. The updated draft offers its visitors more convenient structure, which will gather all the necessary Internet professional sections within a single network platform.
SaaS.ru – the independent information portal devoted to the market of Cloud technologies. The portal works since November, 2012 and unites in uniform virtual space of the main players of the cloud market: service providers, professionals of the market, consumers and potential consumers of “cloud” services. The main objective of information resource is to become an entry point in information space of Cloud Computing of the Russian-speaking Internet.
SecurityLab is one of the most well-known information security resources in Russia. News and information about various events connected to information security from all over the world, security bulletins of IT vendors, original and translated analytical articles are published on the portal. The most important part of the portal is the latest information about published vulnerabilities and recommendations on their elimination in the Russian language. Thousands of information security experts from Russia, CIS and foreign countries visit the forum of the portal every day. Securitylab ensures information support being a media partner of the main industry events.
Positive Technologies is at the cutting edge of IT security. We are one of the top ten worldwide vendors of vulnerability assessment systems and among the top five fastest-growing firms in Security & Vulnerability Management globally. We have over a decade of experience in detecting and managing vulnerabilities in IT systems. We put research at the heart of our operations to ensure our products and services help clients to reduce costs, improve efficiency and manage risk. With offices in London, Moscow, Dubai, Mumbai, Seoul and Tunis, we are one of the largest security research facilities in Europe.
East-West Digital News is the first international information company dedicated to Russian digital industries, providing news, business analysis and industry reports pertaining to the Internet, e-commerce, online media and video, mobile and telecom markets a well as software and hardware innovation. A consulting branch, East-West Digital Consulting, provides market players with assistance for their business development in Russia.
Linux Format
The federal media resource www.comprice.ru is the mass media devoted to the market of IT.
www.comprice.ru offers a content interesting, both for beginners, and for professionals of the computer market.
Our purpose – to inform actual and trustworthy information on the market of high technologies, to all who needs it. Motto СOMPRICE.RU: “Choose from good the best, and from the best – accessible!”
We develop the global expert Network. «Combine resources for achieve more» Our experts are Top-managers and absolutely unique specialists with hands-on experience for realization international projects. The Souzconsalt Network is alternative way for arriving to the decision. We have operated in foreign trade since July 2008. We are able to suggest wide range of programs for development your interests in Russia, The Single Economic Space and The World Trade Union.
NIE Journal – Intelligence for decision makers. The magazine serves the international media partner of the events.
CMS Magazine
Since 2004 PR-group develops spbit.ru and ICT-Online.ru. Portals write about events and trends in the information technologies market: news of telecommunications, system integration and computer market, interview, analytical materials, descriptions of projects, announcements of actions. Spbit.ru – for Petersburg and the Northwest federal district, ICT-Online.ru – for Moscow and RF. More than 5,5 thousand visitors daily, more than 2,5 thousand followers to daily mailing.
apps4all.ru is a unique combination of services for the entire ecosystem of mobile applications and devices. None of the competing sites both in the domestic and in the international segment of the Internet, does not offer a combination of services that are already implemented in apps4all.ru.
By allowing developers to place their full portfolio of mobile projects, apps4all.ru stands out by its tender organization system, that allows clients to find developers for their projects, and developers to get orders for the development of mobile applications.
Global CIO
3DNews.ru is a leading independent IT online-edition counting 17 years of experience in the Russian market (founded in 1997).
Our daily audience is about 190000 unique visitors, and amounts to 3 mln readers per month (~18 mln pageviews monthly). Our readership statistics is fully open at LiveInternet.ru. We publish 3 reviews and over 50 news on IT hardware and software every day – from servers to trendy gadgets, from modern games to mobile devices, smart electronics etc. Readers value our publications for their quality, and the vast range of covered topics.
Webcrunch.ru: IT – News, Markets, Events and Trends.
PC Week: Russian Edition
Typical Programmer is a large community of people who are interested in programming and related subjects. It is a public group in the largest Russian social network «Vkontakte». The group serves humorous and educational content, announcements about IT events, job vacancies, participants’ CVs, etc. Typical Programmer has over 200k participants and nowadays it is the biggest community in «Vkontakte» uniting IT-interested people and it has a great potential for further growth.
PC MAGAZINE/Russian Edition is the leading monthly computer magazine. The magazine covers the latest world and Russian technological developments and products of interest to a wide spectrum of users. The magazine comes out 12 times a year with a circulation of 40,000 copies.
Belorussian community of business and system analytics
St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics
System Administrator Journal
HungryShark.ru — editorial online edition. We have emerged as a blog for young entrepreneurs in February 2012. Eventually HungryShark.ru transformed into a full-fledged media, messenger for business intellectuals.
Our key features are independence (the leitmotif of our publications on business topics), educational activities and conservative journal approach combined with advanced technologies.
HungryShark.ru is a team of like-minded authors. Young scientists, talented journalists, experts in various fields of business, civic engagement and culture write for us. Our team is united with the purpose to promote the value of knowledge and show the world around objectively.
Kbyte.Ru – the International Information Portal for Programmers and Developers, Managers and Specialists of IT. The project was created in Febrary 2006 by Aleksey Nemiro. Kbyte.Ru contains articles and tutorials, source codes, guides and softwares for an audience of primarily Microsoft computer programmers. And also more information for IT-Business.
Pro Business TV
Seller Meller
Security: Information Review magazine is a specialized issue dedicated to the problems of effective organization of security systems. The audience of the magazine is managers, responsible for the security of commercial structures. Our creed is exclusively practical character of the materials that lets us equip top managers with knowledge about modern approaches to security problems and the ways of solving it.
it-sobytie.ru. Our portal is covering events in the field of information technology, robotics and telecommunications on the territory of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.
XAKEP is an extremely popular Russian IT-magazine. We write on trends and technologies, as well as on specific topics related to IT and IT-safety. Detailed HOWTO, practical materials on development and administering, interviews with outstanding persons that have created technological products and famous IT companies, and of course expert articles on information security.
IT Expert covers the wide range of issues which are common in both home and office environment.
Whether you are a tech wizard or a tech dummy IT Expert is written in a simple and aesy to understand fashion. IT Expert offers todays technology enthusiasts a first-hand look at all the gadgets, gizmos and devices before they hit the market. You don’t have to be an expert to have expert results.
IT Manager — The desktop magazine for heads of the IT companies.
IT Manager provides innovative IT examples and solutions resulting in increased efficiency, productivity and revenue. It is business the edition which resolves not only technical issues, and tells about style lives of SIO and their hobbies. It’s informally called Cosmopolitainfor CIOs.
IT News is a business edition focusing on IT sphere.
IT News is a business edition which focusses on economical, political and corporate issues in IT sphere. It provides critical reporting with an ephasis on emerging trends and practices that influence the future of the industry.
Special attention is paid on trends that can influence business process.
Conference TV
GVA LaunchGurus
PR Newswire is the global leader in innovative communications and marketing services that enable marketers, corporate communicators, sustainability officers, investor relations officers and many more to leverage content to connect and engage with their target audiences globally, and drive demand across all channels.
Having pioneered the commercial news distribution industry 60 years ago, PR Newswire today provides end-to-end solutions to produce, optimise and target content – from rich media microsites to high impact video to multimedia press releases – then distribute content and measure results across traditional, digital, mobile and social channels.
Combining the world’s largest multi channel distribution network with the most comprehensive workflow tools and platforms, PR Newswire enables the world’s businesses to drive demand and engage opportunity everywhere it exists. PR Newswire serves tens of thousands of clients from offices in the Americas, EMEA and APAC, and is a UBM plc company.