2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005


CEE-SECR 2013 Academic Papers were published in the ACM Digital Library

Last year, for the first time, CEE-SECR Conference was held with ACM in-cooperation status.

The Association for Computing Machinery is a U.S.-based international learned society for computing. It was founded in 1947 and is the world’s largest and most prestigious scientific and educational computing society. It is a not-for-profit professional membership group. Its headquarters are in New York City.

Academic papers accepted to the conference program were published in the ACM Digital Library and now are available at http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2556610.

This year ACM again supports CEE-SECR. Paper submission is open until July 15. Submit your proposal at http://2014.secrus.org/for-speakers/call-for-speakers.

Gold sponsors

Deutsche BankIntelJetBrainsSAPSberTech

Silver sponsors

First Line SoftwareEMCQt by Digia

Hackathon sponsor

Digital Design



Innovative Sponsor


Main partners

RussoftAP KIT

In cooperation

ACMACM Special Interest Group on Software Engineering

Hackathon partners

API MoscowInnovation Development Center MoscowGitHub


ParallelsPMI Moscow chapterSoftware EngineeringLuxoft Training

Technical partners

Hosting CenterReisebuero WELTDigital October

Mobile partner


With support of


Educational Partner

IT Mine


Software Russiai-Help

The conference is over

Thanks, everyone!

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