CEO & co-shareholder, DZ-Systems
Dmitriy has worked at IT-industry since 1985 and still proceeds as a software development professional. In the past he was the Head of the Yandex portal engineering department as well as the creator of several popular services including the Yandex.Market which is one of the most top-rated web-services in Russia nowadays. He is also a creator of the Ulmart technological platform and of the Russian-made OS called the Phantom.
Aprentis: non-programming development
This report represents software development experience from custom solutions to results, founded on the so-called PaaS basis of the Aprentis platform which provides high efficiency and quality during its business workflow implementation.
Standard modern web-project is usually divided into front/back office implementation. The system’s front is commonly a subject of custom engineering. Its unique navigation and content structure as well as design and logics require project and technical solutions to be highly flexible. However the web-project’s back office isn’t so demanding for its representative features. It usually consists of quite typical elements such as CRUDs, related groups of objects, DRM system and one or more document workflows as well. It’s rather useful to apply ready-made platforms and frameworks for those elements to be implemented. On the other hand, framework implementation doesn’t reduce the first cost of the project significantly but application of rigid platforms indeed limits its functionality.
So… Is there any compromise between those requirements?